The LYHO Philosophy

Life Is Meant
To Be LivedFreely, Boldly & Unapologetically.

Be Free. Be True. Be You.

Live Your Heart Out

"The greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents." - Carl Jung

Live Your Heart Out was borne out of necessity - to peacefully rebel against the collective unconscious. The unconscious mind and generations of social conditioning have taught us to be obedient, be quiet, and suppress our own desires and dreams for fear of being seen or rocking the boat.

It is hard to be fully authentic, especially when everything we see in mainstream media is encouraging conformity, obedience, and complacency.

We are here to share the truth of the human spirit. We are here to rise and show others how to do so as well, even amidst all the uncertainty and chaos of the current state.

This is an opportunity and a calling for us ALL to rise.


The Process

There is a beautiful world that exists just for you. There are just 5 keys to access it:

Make Space Time slows down when you prioritize self-care.
Feel Your Feelings Be in your body. Go within.
Let Go Release what you can't control. Trust the process.
Align Align your mind, body, and soul to a greater purpose.
Move Reach beyond your comfort zone.

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The People

Heart SOUL-diers

We work with Heart Soul-diers - dreamers, intuitives, creatives, freedom fighters, and love warriors who are searching for purpose, connection, and growth.

This movement must begin at the individual level, within your heart, which is where the spark happens. Once one individual is sparked, the mission can be spread within his or her family and community.

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The Principles

Heart-centred We are driven by LOVE and the intention to serve, lead, and elevate those around us.
Empathetic We believe that one of the best things we can do for humanity is to try to understand others by seeing their world through their eyes, and avoiding judgement and labels.
Accepting We accept people as they are, and we are not here to change anybody or convince them to be somebody they’re not.
Responsible We encourage others to take responsibility for where they are on their journey, without blaming or disempowering themselves. We don’t believe in entitlement or being a victim.
Truthful Honesty is always the best policy, even when it’s ugly and uncomfortable. We believe that the truth always sets us free.

Who We Are

Healers resourced with tools and modalities outside of the mainstream to restore balance and vitality.

Creatives willing to find ways to live outside of the box. We get inspired by challenges and find our own solutions.

Rebels we’ve been misfits many times in the past and are immune to being excluded and shunned. We’ve found our own community.

Wild Ones with deep connection and reverence to the earth. We know nature has everything we need.

Old Souls who have seen this all before and have been persecuted over lifetimes for doing things differently.

Rainbow Warriors who know what’s sacred and aren’t afraid to stand strong in our convictions.

Inner Peace Seekers who were already adopting a slower way of living and detaching from commodities.

Optimists with an inner knowing of what really matters, and can adapt our perspective to see the blessings that difficulties can bring.

Stubborn Ones who will not bend to coercion no matter how tight we’re squeezed, and will find ways to adapt to obstacles before going against our truth.

Intuitives who trust our inner voice and heart before any external noise.

Lions & Lionesses who will fiercely protect our young and the vulnerable, and will stop at nothing to hold the line as you awaken the fire within.

Sovereign Ones who won’t be threatened into backing down because we’ve already made our choice.

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